Prepare for Natural Disasters

Prepare for natural disasters

When dealing with natural disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes and floods, proper preparation is the key to ensuring your family’s safety and limiting damage to your home. Cincinnati’s risk management team assesses qualifying homes in catastrophe-prone areas and recommends improvements to limit the possibility of damage.

Precautions to consider:

  • Create disaster supply kits – Include at least three days’ worth of nonperishable food, water, a flashlight, batteries, a radio, a first aid kit, a whistle and a wrench or pliers.
  • Discuss emergency plans – Determine plans for communication, shelter and evacuation. Practice the plans.
  • Seek emergency alerts – Sign up for alerts from your local emergency management agency or Federal Emergency Management Agency.


You don’t have to live in California to experience an earthquake. The US Geological Society Survey indicates areas along the New Madrid Fault Line, including northeast Arkansas, southeast Missouri, western Tennessee, Kentucky and southern Illinois, continue to experience small to moderate earthquakes. Earthquake timing is unpredictable but taking appropriate preventative measures can potentially minimize damages to your home and property.


Flood is the nation’s number one natural disaster with all 50 states experiencing at least one flood in the past five years.


While announcements of hurricane watches and warnings may come days before a storm, making plans now can save valuable time later. 

Spring and Summer Weather

Spring and summer weather can bring storms and droughts. Learn how you can prepare for some of the most common weather events.


Wildfires can start and spread quickly without much warning. Take precautionary measures before an event to help protect your safety as well as minimize damage caused to your home. 

Winter Weather

In some parts of the country, winter brings the beauty of snowfall, skiing and spending time with family, but it can also present dangerous or hazardous conditions. Learn what you can do to prevent or reduce winter weather related damages so you can enjoy your winter season.

Our loss control service is advisory only. We assume no responsibility for management or control of customer loss control activities or for implementation of recommended corrective measures. This content was gathered from trade services and public information and does not identify or address all possible exposures. We do not warrant that this information is consistent with the underwriting guidelines of The Cincinnati Insurance Company and its subsidiaries or with any federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance.
To report a claim: You may call us directly, 877-242-2544, to report your claim and provide us with your claim-related information. You may also contact your independent agent to report a claim.

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