Life Insurance

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Protecting Your Lifestyle

Your family is important to you. You want to do everything you can to protect their future. Proper planning with a life insurance agent can help you and your family avoid financial issues after the death of a family member.

Whether you just got married, divorced, started a family or purchased a home, consider your individual circumstances and the standard of living you wish to maintain for those who may depend on you.


Individual life insurance coverage generally falls into one of two categories: term or permanent.

Term life insurance protects you for a specified period of time – ranging from one to 30 years – and pays a death benefit only if you die during that specified term of the policy. That's why it's commonly referred to as temporary life insurance.

You may benefit from buying term life insurance if you:

  • Need coverage only for a specific period of time
  • Need more coverage but have a limited budget
  • Have limited funds

Permanent life insurance, which includes whole life and universal life, is an appropriate way to meet long-term needs. Over time, it may be the least expensive form of life insurance since premiums are fixed and the policy accumulates cash value on a tax-deferred basis.

You may benefit from buying permanent life insurance if you:

  • Have a high net worth and are seeking a tax-advantaged product
  • Understand that permanent insurance is a long-term commitment
  • Need insurance for estate planning purposes
  • Want guaranteed life insurance for life


The Cincinnati Life Insurance Company's product line offers you flexible and affordable insurance protection and long-term financial planning solutions to protect your family, your income, your assets and your future.

Cincinnati Life offers these products only through professional independent agents who are skilled at identifying risk and can customize policies to meet your needs.

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